Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Watch Our Cruise Ship In Real Time

Go to http://crystalcruises.com/home.aspx

Once on the site, highlight "Tour The Ships" and click on "Crystal Serenity".

When the next page comes up, go to the right side under the heading
"Ship Details - Live Ship Views.

You then can click on Bridge, Port, Starboard and Computer Room Views.

The views are real time and refresh every minute. On the top of the view
it tells you where the sip is, ships time(24hr clock) and what day it is.

Every once in a while we may show up in the computer room. We will let you
know what time to look for us.

Also, if you want to view our itinerary just go to the left side of the page your on
and click on "Find A Cruise".

On the top right of the page that comes up, put the month and year you want to see
along with the ship (Serenity).

Hit "Find" and the sailings for that month will come up. Just click on itinerary to
see where we will be going.

If you have any problems feel free to comment here.

Thanks for coming.

Paul and Diane

Welcome To Our Blog

We are finally leaving for our new adventure. When we got to Phoenix AZ we thought it would be a few weeks, but it turned out to be 5 weeks. We were able to sell our RV and truck so we don't have to worry about putting them in storage.

We will be in Bristol England, 2hrs west of London, from May 31 until June 6. Then we're flying to Venice Italy to join Crystal Cruise Lines ship called the "Serenity" where we will be gift shop sales associates.

That's it for now. We will be posting messages and will email you when we do this. Also, we will be emailing pictures of our travels. Take care everyone....

Paul and Diane